Unpaid Youth Volunteers Exempt from Work Permits at County Fairs Legislation:
Given To Governor Snyder for his signature at 3:54 pm July 6, 2011.
Passed the House 110-0 (6-23-11); passed the Senate 38-0 (6-30-11)
A Big Thank you to Representative Ken Goike, 33rd District and the 50 addtional Representatives that co-sponsored HB4727.
Click here to download the legislation passed. (7-6-11)
President of the Armada Fair elected to Michigan Legislature, November 2, 2010
Ken Goike Jr, President of the Armada Fair, was elected to Michigan’s House of Representatives 33rd District.
Smoking Legislation, Act 188, Public Act of 2009 (HB 4377)
Effective date: May 1, 2010
approved by Governor Granholm, December 18, 2009
Downtown Lansing Map
Directions to Legislative Day and the Capitol
Greater Lansing Area
To find your State Representative:
The Mailing for all Representatives is the same:
Michigan House of Representatives
PO Box 30014
Lansing MI 48909-7514
To find your State Senator:
The mailing address for all Senators is the same:
Michigan Senate
PO Box 30036
Lansing MI 48909-7536